Month: November 2018

Fasting Part 1

Fasting. We’ve all heard about it. But what does it actually do? How does it affect us? Is it good? Is it bad? Today, I’ll tell you a little bit about the pros and cons of fasting. But first, a little story… A little over half a year ago, There were some health issues that my

New clothes

As a bigger guy, finding clothes that fit (in my country) can be difficult. Let alone clothes that fit COMFORTABLY. That is even more difficult. I wear a 2XL in shirts and tops and 42 in bottoms. Wherever I look, there is always small medium, large, and extra large, but rarely 2XL. As for pants,

Energy Drinks

Energy drinks. I love energy drinks. Rockstar, Monster, Red Bull. I even like the offbrand/ generic energy drinks like Joker, Raptor, Shockwave. I love the surge of energy I get and I personally love the taste. It makes me… Happy. Maybe I’m addicted to the caffiene. Who knows. I just know that I love them and I get